7 Lubricants and their tasks to keep your tractor running smoothly


Reliable operation of agricultural machinery and vehicles during the season is very important. It is important to be aware that we should not only remember the engine. It is worth reminding ourselves of driveline assemblies other than the power unit. Their reliability is the key to successful operation. We present a selection of lubricants perfectly suited to agricultural applications.

Power steering – it plays an important role, it helps to keep the tractor steerable in all conditions, the right oil is our safety.

The most important function of an engine oil is to provide effective protection against wear and tear even during the busy season.

The cooling system, filled with the right fluid, ensures efficient cooling even during the summer heat.

Gear oil will protect gearboxes even under huge loads in field work.

There are various lubrication points in the tractor – it is worth ensuring long-term lubrication and full protection of the bearings.

Multifunctional oils are versatile and present different functions, it is worth paying a little extra to achieve top performance.

In the hydraulic system, high-performance oil ensures smooth and fast operation of the cylinders in hot summers as well as at low temperatures.

Of course, in the material we present examples of lubricants. Select the right oil for your vehicle using our oil selection tool.

Lech Lasek
Lech Lasek
Menedżer Produktu ds. Motoryzacyjnych Środków Smarnych. W firmie FUCHS pracuję nad rozwojem wybranych motoryzacyjnych środków smarnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem linii produktów AGRIFARM oraz OEM. Doradzam jakie oleje czy smary należy zastosować. Wyjaśniam, tłumaczę branżowe zagadnienia techniczne. Prowadzę szkolenia oraz różnego typu wystąpienia.   Jestem pasjonatem motoryzacji, który w wolnych chwilach jeździ motocyklem oraz spędza godziny na dyskusjach o samochodach.


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