Immersion cooling – efficient removal of excess heat from electronic devices


How can the high costs resulting from data centres consuming huge amounts of electricity be reduced? A way to reduce the environmental impact of server cooling is through immersion cooling.

Immersion cooling – what’s that?

In today’s world, electronics surround humans in every area of life – from phones and computers to industrial control motors. A huge challenge in many electronic devices is excess heat, the dissipation of which is a key problem.

Immersion cooling, as the name suggests, involves immersing entire devices or electronic panels in a liquid that does not conduct electricity. By circulating the liquid, heat is removed and returned to the heat exchanger. This reduces the need for other active cooling systems (special materials, heat spreaders, fans).

What benefits does this give us? Energy efficiency is increased and a higher packing density of electronic components is possible. Computing machines, batteries, but also servers or server blocks can be cooled. They are submerged entirely in a dielectric liquid, which removes heat from the electronic components in operation.

“Heat – Cold” – Immersion cooling system scheme

Immersion cooling involves directly placing electronic components in a sealed, easily accessible case. This is filled with a low-viscosity fluid (oil) that removes heat.
A pump allows the heated fluid to flow into the heat exchanger and, once cooled, is pumped back into the housing. The recovered heat can be used, for example, for heating.

Immersion cooling – benefits

Immersion cooling brings with it a number of benefits – environmental, economic and utility. Energy consumption is lower, which translates into data centres becoming more environmentally friendly and more efficient. Noise levels in server rooms are significantly reduced. The number of moving parts that need to be replaced or maintained decreases.

The dissipation of generated heat through the liquid is more efficient because the packing density of electronic components is higher. Keeping temperatures below the thermal limit allows the processor to be used more intensively. Immersion cooling also means cleaner IT equipment, protected from dust and servicing becomes easier. This is because the electronics removed from the cooling liquid are clean.

Renolin FECC – high-performance coolants for data centres

Our products:

  • are characterised by high dielectric strength and effective material compatibility,
  • are odourless and non-flammable, non-toxic,
  • are characterised by a very high viscosity index,
  • allow a wide operating temperature range and high thermal and chemical stability.

Immersion cooling using the RENOLIN FECC range increases productivity and reduces process costs at every stage of data centre use – from the design, operational and maintenance phases to equipment replacement and repair.

Menedżer Produktu ds. Motoryzacyjnych Środków Smarnych. W firmie FUCHS pracuję nad rozwojem wybranych motoryzacyjnych środków smarnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem linii produktów AGRIFARM oraz OEM. Doradzam jakie oleje czy smary należy zastosować. Wyjaśniam, tłumaczę branżowe zagadnienia techniczne. Prowadzę szkolenia oraz różnego typu wystąpienia. Jestem pasjonatem motoryzacji, który w wolnych chwilach jeździ motocyklem oraz spędza godziny na dyskusjach o samochodach


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