Lubricants for construction machinery – why shouldn’t we save on them?


Owners of powerful construction machinery often do not sleep at night due to the high operating costs of such vehicles, resulting from expensive service and high fuel consumption. Is there any way to reduce such expenses? It turns out that there is! The prescription may be the choice of modern lubricants.

From the article you will learn:

  • How to protect the particulate filter
  • What owners of machines with exhaust gas recirculation should watch out for
  • How to reduce fuel consumption in construction machinery
  • How to extend the life of certain components of construction machinery.

When it comes to construction machinery, the old truth that what’s cheap ends up costing the most money seems to be valid. What oil we use directly affects both the amount of fuel used and the rate at which components will wear out. Choosing modern products, although it often requires you to dig a little deeper into your pocket, in the long run it will be a source of considerable savings. What exactly do advanced lubricants offer and how do their specifics translate into the operation of construction machinery? We explain in the following part of the article.

Filter doesn’t like ash

To begin with, let’s look at the conditions that lubricants for engines used in construction machinery must meet. Manufacturers, with a view to demanding emission standards, are increasingly equipping their engines with exhaust after-treatment systems. A critical component of such a system is the particulate filter. This device, while quite expensive, is not free of defects. The problem is that the filter often becomes clogged, which occurs when the composition of the exhaust gas is not appropriate. It is particularly badly affected by the presence in the exhaust gas of sulfated ash, which is formed as a result of burning oil in the engine chambers.

What are the risks for engines with exhaust gas recirculation?

Engines that are installed in modern construction machinery often have systems responsible for exhaust gas recirculation. This means that the exhaust gases, which contain soot, are recirculated back to the combustion chambers. This causes a kind of complication. The aforementioned soot reacts with oil that has previously been deposited on the cylinder liner walls. The result is the formation of sludge and a consequent increase in the viscosity of the oil. This can lead to a drop in its pressure and even the seizure of the pan.

Engine oils for construction machinery

The problems mentioned above can be remedied to some extent. Choosing a modern lubricant is a solution, a lubricant with a formulation that is dedicated to just such engines. Such premium oils can be found in the range of FUCHS brand.

    Oil compatible with advanced exhaust gas after-treatment systems and suitable for engines that use a particulate filter. The answer to the problems caused by exhaust gas recirculation is the high content of so-called dispersants. They allow the sludge to remain in suspension which minimizes the risk of malfunctions. Its formulation has been balanced so that it can prevent sludge formation and clean the side surfaces of the piston from carbon build-up and consequently protect the mechanism from wear.
    Oil dedicated to slightly older engines, providing much greater protection than most formulations, representing API CI-4 quality level.

Lubricants for drive systems

Fuel consumption is heavily influenced by the resistance present in the drivetrain (e.g. in the differentials). Choosing the right lubricant is a must if you really think about reducing fuel expenses. A good oil will also help extend the life of such mechanisms. In this regard, too, the FUCHS brand has a lot to offer.

    Oil for drive axles developed for Volvo construction machinery and distinguishing with a lower viscosity than competing formulations. This product meets the WB 102 standard which means that it perfectly protects the gear teeth from wear. This all contributes to lower fuel consumption and allows for a longer service life.
    An oil that is used especially when there are different vehicles in the fleet, of many brands, sometimes also with varying degrees of use. It is very universal which ensures simplification of warehouse logistics. The parameters are selected so that it can be applied to both new machines and older, worn-out ones. It provides much higher resistance to oxidation than typical UTTO-type products. Compared to conventional HVLP grade hydraulic oils, it provides greater cleanliness of lubricated parts.
    Oil designed for power transmission systems. Using this product makes it possible to extend change intervals by up to 30% (!) compared to what is offered by an average oil meeting the API GL-5 standard.

Products for hydraulic systems

Also in the case of hydraulic systems it is worth betting on high-performance fluids. Experience shows that even if the manufacturer allows the use of HLP grade oil, it is good to reach for HVLP grade lubricants which will be much more beneficial to the mechanisms and in the long run will also contribute to increased savings. FUCHS specialists most often recommend:

    An oil characterized by an increased viscosity index and a large number of anti-foaming additives. Such specificity allows the hydraulic system to work faster.
  • RENOLIN Xtreme Temp 46
    Formulation of this oil includes high-quality viscosifiers. Among other things, these additives make it more resistant to viscosity loss due to so-called shear. It’s an agent that will make less sludge formation, reduce abrasive wear and fuel consumption compared to average HLP grade products (this was confirmed by tests on Vickers pumps, Dension and on the FZG gear test bench).

Greases used at lubrication points

Due to the occurrence of shock loads in machines it is usually recommended that greases for lubrication points contain molybdenum disulfide. Such a preparation is RENOLIT FLM 2 which additionally includes graphite in its composition. The lubricant offered by FUCHS will be excellent where friction nodes have been heavily loaded. It reduces operating resistance and protects components from rapid wear.

Fluids used in the cooling system

The evolution that engines have been undergoing recently is also reflected in the requirements for cooling systems. Sometimes it is not possible to use a fluid with so-called hybrid technology here and there is a need to reach for a fluid with a lower silicate content. Such a problem is faced, for example, by users of some Caterpillar construction machines where it is necessary to use fluids that meet the Caterpillar EC-1 standard. Such products are also available at FUCHS. An example here is MAINTAIN FRICOFIN HDD.

Above we have presented only a section of a strongly developed and important category of lubricants dedicated to construction machinery. Large vehicles designed to work in extremely harsh conditions undoubtedly require well matched lubrication. It is worthwhile to choose lubricants that fit best to the task, even if they were a little more expensive. After all, with the help of modern fluids with well-chosen ingredients it is possible to extend the life of equipment and reduce operating costs.

The application provided on the FUCHS website will be helpful in selecting the right preparation.

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Inspirujemy i motywujemy. Grupa FUCHS to firma z niemieckimi korzeniami, która opracowuje, produkuje i sprzedaje środki smarne oraz produkty pokrewne od ponad 85 lat – dla praktycznie wszystkich obszarów zastosowań i sektorów. Firma FUCHS to synonim obietnicy: technologia, która się opłaca.


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