- Industry

Coolant foaming in a CNC machine is a serious problem that affects machining and the production process. It sometimes leads to serious operational problems and even stops the line. Fortunately, there are ways to improve situations related to the frothing of machining coolant. Which ones exactly?
The foam created in the process of machining parts negatively affects many issues. First of all:
In addition, it is worth remembering that a large amount of foam usually overflows outside the coolant tanks, which creates problems with keeping the plant clean. This has a bad effect on employees safety.
In turn, impurities suspended in the emulsion destructively affect the components of metalworking coolant, which contributes to liquid degradation and other troublesome scenarios.
Foaming of coolant in a CNC machine tool is an abnormality that occurs due to aeration and the retention of air in the fluid.
Water-based machining coolants contain surface-active additives and have good cleaning properties. For this reason, under certain conditions, they may have a tendency to form foam during machining. Foaming occurs when air bubbles that enter the coolant during operation or in circulation do not burst and begin to accumulate.
This can be caused by external processes (mechanical factors) or internal processes (chemical factors) as described below:
You can easily determine what is actually the cause of foam formation in a system with coolant: whether it is an internal or external factor.
To do this, you need to pour into a transparent container a sample of liquid taken from the tank with a volume of about 100 ml. Then you need to shake it vigorously for about 10 seconds for foam to form. After that, it is worth observing the falling time and the height of the foam. If the latter is low and the bubbles fall quickly, it means that the problem is related to the system. So the reason for foaming is external. The situation is different if the foam is high, but falls slowly, longer than 30 seconds. Then it is considered that the problem is internal.
Once you have determined what caused the foaming, you can take certain steps.
For external (mechanical) causes:
For internal (chemical) causes:
There are machining coolants on the market that are not prone at all or have a very low tendency to foam, and their use solves the problem of foaming, and there are many other advantages to using these products. Here are some examples:
Modern machines, where small tanks (100-300 l) are installed and where high pressures occur, require coolants with a low tendency to foam. Such products in the FUCHS range are selected items from the ECOCOOL line:
If microfiltration is used in the system, it is recommended to use coolants that do not require anti-foaming additives. These include
As you can see, the solutions provided by FUCHS fit perfectly into the needs of owners of modern processing machines.